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Bensalem Police seeking Alec Apostolou

Bensalem Police Asking Public’s Help In Locating Burglary Suspect

The Bensalem Police Department is asking for the public’s help in locating Alec Apostolou, the suspect wanted for breaking into and robbing several Bensalem area self-storage lockers dating back to February of this year. An arrest warrant has been issued for Alec Apostolou.

Alec Apostolou was identified through surveillance video captured before, during, and after several of the burglaries. He was seen riding a bicycle to and from the facilities heading south on Bristol Pike toward Philadelphia.

Bensalem Detectives reviewing the footage noticed Apostolou had injuries to his face that were consistent with injuries he sustained from a vehicle crash on June 2nd.

The police tracked Apostolou to the Sunoco gas station convenience store where employees were able to identify him as “Alec”. Further investigation confirmed the identity of Alec Apostolou.

If you have any information on the whereabouts of Alec Apostolou, please contact the Bensalem Police Department at (215) 633-3719 or submit an anonymous tip.

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