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Bensalem Township Council Meeting

Bensalem Township Council Meeting Agenda

Bensalem Township Council Meeting Agenda


Meeting Agenda Archives

Bensalem Township Council Meeting
November 14th, 2022 – 7:00 PM

Council Chambers
2400 Byberry Road
Bensalem, PA 19020


1. Opening of meeting with a moment of silent meditation or prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Public Comment: Agenda Items

3. Approval of Council Minutes for meeting date: October 18th, 2022

4. Amendment for the 2019 Community Development Block Grant Program.

5. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing and filing of a Grant application to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the Bensalem Township Spray Park.

6. Consideration of a Grant Agreement regarding the Open Space Program Deed of Conservation
Easement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants.

7. Consideration of a Reduction of Permit fees for Bensalem Township School District Maintenance Department located at 4319 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA.

8. Consideration of a Resolution for Act No. 537, PA Sewage Facilities Act, plan revision for
new land development of a parcel of land identified as Green Avenue Subdivision.

9. Consideration of a Resolution for Act No. 537, PA Sewage Facilities Act, plan revision for
new land development of a parcel of land identified as 1430 Lavender Road Subdivision.

10. Consideration of a Resolution for Act No. 537, PA Sewage Facilities Act, plan revision for
new land development of a parcel of land identified as 1313 Park Avenue Subdivision.

11. Consideration of a Land Development Extension Agreement with:

Applicant: Faith Unity, Inc
Location: Richlieu and Galloway Roads
Tax Parcel: 2-1-55-2

12. Consideration of a Preliminary and Final Minor Subdivision for:

Applicant: Chase Bank
Location: 1729 Street Road
Proposed Use: Commercial
Zoning Classification: G-C Commercial
Tax Parcel: 2-43-305

View Plans

13. Consideration of a Preliminary Land Development for:

Applicant: Johnson Development Associates, Inc.
Location: 2600 State Road
Proposed Use: Warehouse/Distribution
Zoning Classification: R-55 – Riverfront Revitalization
Tax Parcel: 2-65-21

View Plans

14. Public Comment

15. Other Business

16. Next Meeting: 11/28/22 – Adjournment

Joseph Pilieri, Council Secretary

Council reserves the right to add or delete items to alter the order of business as they deem necessary.

Curfew for Council Meetings is 10:30 P.M.

Council meetings can be viewed live by the public on cable television channels 22 (Comcast Xfinity) in Bensalem and 34 (Verizon Fios) throughout Bucks County. Meetings will then replay daily at 1:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M., and 7:00 P.M.

Council meetings will also be live-streamed via the Township’s YouTube Channel. Meetings will then be available on our YouTube Channel for immediate replay, and next-day streaming via the Township website,


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